COMMENTS REPLIED. Steph: I cya soon agn ah. Tc. (: ??: So weird, so long nv see u. Cya mon. (: Deary: love u big time. (: Melisa: I shall cya again ah. (: Bren: Quickly set a date lah, I cant wait to date u man. :X Eliny: Alrite. All the best for O lvl results. (: Peng: Belated xmas. Hope u r doing fine. (: Jacq: I cya ard soon too. Linked. (:
Met Airen ytd, like finally. I love her new hair, very suit her. (: And no more dry hair that's best.
Went town. Then meet up with her friends, to pool. Then went k wit yan, drey at chinatown.
All my delight is in you Lord, All of my hope and all of my strength.
Merry Xmas! :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JACQ! Ok was xmas eve, i've got no work. Went for hairdo then meet the girls. Celeb Jacq bday at novena, fish&co. Then down bq for chill chill. And countdown to xmas at the same time. (:
Really enjoy the nite. With these girls. And I met steph as well. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AS WELL!!! :D As well as sebas and gang. And baby. :D :D :D