Maybe when you start to get unhappy with work daily.
It's about to come to an end.
I don't know why is it Jill don't like to be always get corrected by people.
Or was it an excuse that I will always forget this, forget that.
Even took a day leave have to worry about this and that.
Took a day of mc, have to keep waking up and worry about work.
Hiahs, life sucks for one and a half year.
I shall put a full stop before we go on incentive trip.
Be nice and tell boss not to bring me along to overseas.
Sometimes really think I always think for others.
Then when will ever people think of me.
Is human really always so selfish? So self centered?
Maybe my personality really have a problem.
Because I am always blur and straight forward.
Or maybe I always think that I'm right people are wrong.
Or trying to find excuse to cover my own butt.
Tired, really very tired.
Sometimes get abit amazed that I could stay in this environment for
one and a half year.
1.5k job, 10hr job, sometimes Saturdays occupied.
Think through really not something I want in life.
While waiting for Nafa to reply my email on readmission.
I think I need a break.
Maybe you could say I am running away from responsibilities.
Running away from challenges ahead.
Maybe I didn't tried my best.
But I ask what for? What will I learn end of the day?
Will I be happy end of the day?
Ponder my thoughts.