Steph: yes, i'll be here for you too. imy alot alot. ):
Charlene: you too, jiayou. imy lots lots lol. century no see. ):
Haiyan: Shall see you soon yo. no worries, u're not :D
Esther: Take care too, it's been awhile since i last seen u. hope u're fine. :D
Melisa: ya, imy too. u so busy, when can we meet agn? ):
Boonling: ya lah, waiting for u all holidays, so long no see. ):
It's been really long since I last meet this bunch of kids.
I'm pretty old, I admit.
At least I'm the oldest in this gang.
Life was very busy these days.
I'm been into work from the moment I step into the office,
till the clock knocks at 6pm.
Today, finally I have some time to blog.
Anyway, I was rather sad becos quite a no didnt' turn up.
People that have been missing for century.
Like Bren, Charlene, Hazel, Boonling, Yanzhen... ...
Quite contented with it.
We dine in at HK Cafe, chat and shop ard at town.
Then, home. (:
I'll always be there for you to lend u my shoulder.
I'll always support every decision you make for ur life.
And I'll always love you no matter what, my darling sis. (:
But it's neither too short.
I still treasure you all yeah.
I miss those Kovan mac times.
I miss those quarrels and sweet moments.
Those times we panic tgt for class test.
Those times we laugh and disturb our teachers.
Those times we cried for our bad results.
Old good old days, imy.
At times, I am tired of all those small quarrels.
Utimately, I still love, I still wish to hold on.