My 19th is coming my way.
Each year I'm getting less looking forward to the day.
Every year I always longed for a simple one.
Me, Mummy and Daddy.
But it'll never happen, even a hug is so hard to be fulfill.
I always longed for a hug, I cherish that more than saying ily.
Cos I always longed that I'll be like other babies.
Get to sleep in between mummy and daddy.
And mummy will hug that lil child to sleep.
I bet that's suits my name.
All I wanted.
JH means to add on wisdom,
while Jill meant one's sweetheart.
All the love I always longed.
I always thought friends are like siblings in my life.
I treasure every and each one of them.
But sadly, every year none of my friends will make an effort to celebrate my bday.
Well, I'll make time for their party.
Till mine, all I've got was 'I'm not free.'
Even for some special cases,
they'll even postpone the gathering date.
Mine? Just slipped by... ...
Well, I numbed and getting use to it.
But I'm glad in my life there's Godchasers.
'God is blessing you now... ...'
This year unforgettable part.
Well, I guess next year except baby.
Others will act blur and just slip by once again.
Always the case, I've given up.