Bren: I see when, maybe this Sat?? I miss u too much. Haha.
Melisa: Take note of it alr. :D
Mayne: I'm working with the company, so compulsory to attend. (:
Anonymous: Thanks.
Audrey: Thanks, loves you sweetie. I cya soon. (;
Maisy: Thanks, sweet. (:
Yanzhen: Thanks, qingren. (:
Shuana: Thanks dear, i hope to seeya soon. (:
=D: Thanks. (:
ryli: Oh thanks, enjoy reading then. (:
Anonymous: Well, maybe. Take things positive bah. (:
Well, it's about time for my to pack up feelings.
And continue my journey of LIFE.
I am thankful to have bunch of good friends.
Not much bday gifts but it's alwaz good to hear wishes.
Church friends, are nice.
Thanks for wishing, ppl like sis wanping, pengpeng, mr tall, rayhoe, chulien...
And of course secondary mates like,
Maisy, Yanzhen, Esther, Ivy, Jasmine, Boonling...
Colleagues, event friends, and all sort of network people.
Thanks a thousand~
Jose mummy, Dot shifu, Victoria, Shuana, Vivianne bestie, Benny, Xiaozhu, Leslie, Wayne
Lastly all my love ones,
Esp Airen and Lover, alwaz so sweet, never fails to melt my heart. (:
And Bren Santa, Hazel. Love you all big time. (:
My pretties lovelies, Audrey and Haiyan. (:
Forever friend, Willy. (:
And everlasting friendship always, Peilin, Jasline and Calean. (:
If I miss out any of you, apology for that, but I appreciate the kind gesture. (: